Obligatory Oshimen Post

Because this is an idol blog, and I am an idol fan, I need to have a page where I gush about my oshimen. Because.. obviously.



Yoshizawa Hitomi (吉澤ひとみ)
Born April 12th, 1985
Morning Musume (2000-2007); HANGRY&ANGRY (2008-Present)
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This lady started it all. I was drawn to her personality because it was not only tomboyish, but also funny and easy-going. She was my absolute favorite H!P member from day one for me, and that never changed. It's been interesting to see her fandom go from virtually non-existant ("Who's that chubby girl in the back behind Maki Goto?") to a writhing hoarde of screaming fangirls, which she definitely deserves, but it still comforts me to know that she's grown without letting it all go to her head. Even though she's technically no longer an idol, I'll always consider her to be a very important person to me.


Ogawa Makoto (小川 麻琴)
Born October 29th, 1987
Morning Musume (2001-2006)
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My sweet Mako. Mittsi's predecessor as least-popular member of Momusu during most of her duration in the group. People hated on Mako so much because of her chubby face and unladylike mannerisms, completely overlooking her amazing dancing, singing, and acting, and somehow ignoring her gorgeous smile and charming enthusiasm. I grew to love Mako almost as much as Yossi, because I saw a lot of her in myself. Her graduation announcement broke my heart, as did the fact that she never got the recognition she deserved. I hope she's happy as a theater actress now, because she deserves it.


Ohtani Masae (大谷雅恵)
Born February 25th, 1982
Melon Kinenbi (1999-2010)
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When I discovered that Hello!Project housed a whole slew of groups apart from Momusu, I did my best to learn them all by heart as quickly as possible. It was difficult for me to commit a lot of these women to memory, but Masae stuck out right away for me, and not just because of her colourful hair. Here was a quirky, artsy girl with a strange, unique sense of style- and those big brown eyes didn't hurt, either.

(Others include; Yaguchi Mari, Kago Ai, Mitsui Aika, Niigaki Risa, Umeda Erika, Tsugunaga Momoko, PeiPei & Kimura Ayaka)



Miyazawa Sae (宮澤佐江)
Born August 13th, 1990
AKB48 Team K (2006-Present)
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Ah, Sae, you tug at my heartstrings so! Beautiful as a girl, charming as a boy, and energetic, talented, and funny to boot! She is definitely what I consider to be my ideal idol type. As soon as I saw her perform at Webster Hall, I was completely smitten. Still am.


Akimoto Sayaka (秋元才加)
Born July 26th, 1988
AKB48 Team K (2006-Present)
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In truth, Sayaka in only like... half a point behind Sae in the top slot of my rankings. Here is a charismatic, passionate woman who puts her heart into her work like few idols I've ever seen. She seems far more suited for the mainstream music scene than this particular subculture, due to her stage presence and mind-blowing voice, and yet, despite being Team K's captain, she is disgustingly underrepresented due to her more natural and forward nature. Sayaka is AMAZING, and that's all there is to it. The end. .... Also her abs. Can we talk about those, cause.. damn.


Masuda Yuka (増田有華)
Born August 3rd, 1991
AKB48 Team K (2006-2009); Team B (2009-Present)
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Speaking of underrepresented girls, CAN WE TALK ABOUT YUKA FOR A SECOND. I want you to think about idols for a second. Now think about the percentage of them that can legitimately, actually carry a tune. Now I want you to listen to this song. Oh. My god. This girl blows my mind. She's beautiful, sweet, and has a voice like no other. She's the bomb.

(Others include; Sashihara Rino, Shizuka Oya, Matsubara Natsumi, Oshima Yuko, Komori Mika, Hirajima Natsumi, Chikano Rina & ... everyone else.)



Nakanishi Yuuka (中西優香)
Born January 24th, 1989
AKB48 Research Student (2007-2008); SKE48 Team S (2008-Present)
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I didn't have much interest in SKE48 beyond initial curiosity when I first heard about them, but this girl changed everything. I love her at the same level that I love Sae, Sayaka and Yossi. I have the most terrible crush on this girl, with her big smile, dark eyes, awkward Great Dane Puppy build and miraculously smooth and ballin' dance skills. She also has a really impressive vocal range and appears to be a total hearthrob amongst her fellow ladies (I recall a DVD making-of where, upon discovering that Nishi was being transferred out of AKB and into SKE, several Research Student girls burst into tears and had to be consoled). You will probably be seeing a lot of her on this blog, at least for my part, simply because 1) I love her so damn much, and 2) she isn't a senbatsu (popular 'front-girl'), and therefore doesn't have a lot of exposure. Nishi wins.


Akaeda Ririna (赤枝里々奈)
Born July 3rd, 1996
SKE48 Team KII (2009-Present)
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Honestly, I don't know when Riri climbed the ranks and secured such a high spot. I think she is positively darling and spunky, and again, is one of the least popular members of KII (and SKE), but there's just something else about her that always catches my attention, and I'm really not sure why. All I know is, I hope to see a lot more of her in the future.


Kuwabara Mizuki (桑原みずき)
Born February 2nd, 1992
SKE48 Team S (2007-Present)
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This girl may honestly be one of the funniest idols I've ever seen. She's very laid-back, and can dance circles around most of the other girls, too. I also think her close friendship with fellow member Kato Rumi is really sweet, a bit reminiscent of Aibon and Nono, and I love that dynamic in idol groups. Basically, she kicks butt.

(Others include; Hiramatsu Kanako, Kinoshita Yukiko, Hata Sawako, Kato Rumi, Sato Seira, Ishida Anna, Matsui Jurina & Hirata Rikako.)



Noro Kayo (野呂佳代)
Born October 28th, 1983
AKB48 Team K (2006-2009); SDN48 (2009-Present)
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Nontii reminds me SO MUCH of Mako sometimes, I can't even begin to tell you. I'm so happy she's become the captain of SDN48. She always caught my eye in old Team K shows; I love her attitude and think she's cute as hell, too. In truth, I know very little about SDN, and they're only just starting to get publicized, but I do know that Nontii is fierce.


Kondo Sayaka (近藤さや香)
Born April 1st, 1984
SDN48 (2009-Present)
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Having had the fortune of speaking to Sayanee at Anime Expo, I can honestly say that she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. She's a fluent English speaker, as well, and has been known to help several members of AKB and SDN translate. I really want to learn more about her, because she's fabulous.


Nachu (なちゅ)
Born December 23rd, 1984
SDN48 (2009-Present)
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Okay, on second thought, everything I said up there? Forget it. Nachu is actually the best idol ever. Ever.


(Others include Akiko, Ohori Megumi, Hatakeyama Chisaki, and undoubtedly many more, once I learn about SDN properly.)



Hayami Akari (早見あかり)
Born March 17th, 1995
Momoiro Clover (2008-Present)
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Momoiro Clover is just starting to get big in the idol scene, but I adore them more than I can say. In particular, I've fallen (once again) for the deep-voiced, self-assured Akari, whose hidden boyish charm won me over from the start. I also particularly love the amazing silly faces she makes on her blog; a girl who can make dumb faces in public automatically gains status in my ranks. You go, Akarin.


Harada Mariru (原田まりる)
Born February 12th, 1985
Nakano Fujoshi Sisters/Fudanjuku (2008-Present)
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Speaking of awkward, this lady may actually be the most awkward idol alive, and that's why I love her as much as I do. She's a diehard otaku and gamer, perfect for an otaku-centric idol group, and I think that that makes her all the more endearing. She may not be headed for super-stardom, but I'll be keeping an eye on her all the same.


Amber Liu (엠버)
Born September 18th, 1992
f(x) (2008-Present)
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Jpop and Kpop fans alike may maul me for including Amber here, but fuck all y'all, because I couldn't have a blog about boyish Asian chicks without mentioning her. She's dreamy as hell. I feel about fifteen whenever I watch anything she's in. Aughgh. Amber, honey, come rap softly into my ear. And wear your skinny jeans.